Mark Gallagher

Nickname? And why?
Sniffer – I was given the name as a child because apparently I could sniff out a goal from anywhere
What is your guilty pleasure?
I love Christmas
What was the craziest / most stupid thing you did as a child?
When I was 6 I had the ridiculous idea of becoming a vegetarian. I think I lasted a day
Have you ever broken the law? Explain?
Yes, when I just passed my test, I crashed in to a parked car, I panicked and drove off. The Police turned up at my house that evening!!! Ended up with 5 points and a nice fine.
If you could turn any activity in to an Olympic sport what would you have a good chance of winning a medal at?
Suffering with Migraines, I manage to do very well at that.
What is your biggest regret?
Not joining a boxing Gym as a child
Have you ever been in a Pop Group fan club?
What irrational fears do you have?
Pop group fan clubs
What is your dream job?
Professional football coach
About Work
How are you enjoying the exciting world of Door closers?
It’s good!
Favourite door closer finish?
Who is your favourite colleague?
I don’t have one, they are all annoying ;
Who is the most irritating staff member?
The Boss
Best part of the job?
Building relationships with Customers
Worst part of working for Astra Door Controls?
The M6
A Winning Team
Born out of the companies named Reilor Limited and Gibcloser Limited, Alister Reid and Philip Gallagher set up Astra Door Controls in 2005 with a vision to design and manufacture concealed door closers for the fire door market in the United Kingdom. In the beginning Alister Reid as Managing Director shaped the business to meet the demands of manufacturing and design leaving Philip (Technical ans Sales Director) to focus on developing the product range and certification requirements. As both directors are very “hands on” it soon became apparent that traditional overhead face fixed closers were not always wanted or desired. The requirement for a hidden or concealed self-closing device was an obvious missing piece of the modern fire door-set.
Committed to manufacturing in the United Kingdom, we are able to deliver modern design with quality products at a competitive price whilst fulfilling the requirements of the relevant standards”.
Philip Gallagher, Managing Director.